How to convert a PDF document to Microsoft Word or Excel in FineReader PDF


How to convert a PDF document to Microsoft Word or Excel in FineReader PDF?


Conversion of a PDF document to MS Word or Excel format can be done in the following ways:

  1. Using a quick conversion task:
    1. Open FineReader PDF > select the Convert to Microsoft Word / Convert to Microsoft Excel task.
    2. Select a PDF document > click Open.
    3. Specify the conversion settings > click Convert to Word / Excel.
    4. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
  2. Using the PDF Editor:
    1. Open a document in the PDF Editor.
    2. Click File > Save As > Microsoft Word Document / Microsoft Excel Workbook.
    3. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
  3. Using the integration with Windows Explorer:
    1. Find a file on the computer that needs to be converted.
    2. Right-click the file > select Convert with ABBYY FineReader PDF > Convert to Microsoft Word document / Microsoft Excel Workbook.

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