End of Life and End of Support for ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK

UPDATE - December 2023

End of Life for Cloud OCR SDK rescinded

We are pleased to announce that we have worked through the technical challenges of continuing the service and are announcing the End of Life for Cloud OCR SDK has been rescinded. 

Originally our End of Life communication indicated a date of December 31, 2023 for the service to be turned off. Subsequently we provided an extension of the service through August 30, 2024. 

Cloud OCR SDK will now continue operating and in a production support state going forward with no planned changes to the service. ABBYY is pleased to continue our full level of support and technical commitment to our customers opting to continue leveraging Cloud OCR SDK.

The ABBYY Vantage OCR Skill or ABBYY OCR Container remain viable options for a potential migration path for your projects. For some use cases where handwriting recognition is required or document text is to be used for training Large Language Models (LLMs) these solutions may provide better results for your projects. 

Please contact your ABBYY representative for additional information.

Your ABBYY Team

UPDATE – March 2023

We would like to inform you that ABBYY is extending the availability of the Cloud OCR SDK service, available at https://cloud.ocrsdk.com/ (the “Service”) and communicate the following important dates:

End of Life

ABBYY will extend the availability and support of the service until August 30, 2024. After that the service will be permanently shut down without any additional notice to you.

End of Sale

The previously communicated end of sale date remains effective as of January 1, 2023 – since that date ABBYY is no longer accepting new customers.

For customers using the monthly subscription option for Cloud OCR SDK, the last month they will be able to renew their monthly subscription is July 31, 2024. For customers leveraging the Packaged Subscription option ABBYY will stop accepting renewals on May 31, 2024. Therefore, please, note that any unused Packages will then expire starting August 31, 2024, with no right for refund.

We recommend the ABBYY Vantage OCR Skill or ABBYY OCR Container for a potential migration path for your projects. Please contact your ABBYY representative for trials and pricing information. If you have special requirements, please reach out to your ABBYY sales representative or contact our ABBYY Support team via webform here.

Original announcement – November 2022

Dear ABBYY Customer,

Subject to Your agreement with ABBYY this is a formal announcement from ABBYY communicating the official End of Sale and End of Life (End of Support) for ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK service available at https://cloud.ocrsdk.com/ (the “Service”). As long as ABBYY will no longer be accepting new customers and new subscriptions after January 1, 2023, we are excited and pleased to offer ABBYY Vantage OCR Skill and the ABBYY OCR Container as replacement options for your OCR needs.

End of Sale

This end of sale announcement is effective for January 1, 2023. ABBYY will no longer be accepting new customers or new subscriptions from existing customers after January 1, 2023. However, we will continue providing support and maintenance services as agreed in the contracts with the existing customers until the Service End of Life date. Customers wishing to add volume, or extend their current agreements for Cloud OCR SDK should contact their respective ABBYY Sales representative and discuss possibility of extending their subscriptions.

For customers using the monthly subscription option for Cloud OCR SDK, the last month you will be able to renew your monthly subscription is November 1, 2023. For customers leveraging the Packaged Subscription option ABBYY will stop accepting renewals on September 1, 2023.Therefore, please, note that any unused Packages will then expire starting January 1, 2024 with no right for refund.

End of Life

ABBYY will continue supporting and enabling the Service until January 1, 2024, after which the Service will no longer be available and may be permanently shut down without any additional notice to you.  Customers wishing to continue with ABBYY can migrate to ABBYY Vantage OCR Skill or ABBYY OCR Container. Please contact your ABBYY representative for trials and pricing information. If you have special needs or requirements, please reach out to your ABBYY sales representative or contact our ABBYY Support team via webform here.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Best Regards,

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