How to transfer and update skills between tenants?


There are two tenants - A and B. How to migrate and update a skill between those two tenants?



After finishing the development of a skill in tenant A, export the skill from it and then import the skill to tenant B. It may require changing some parameters in the imported skill, i.e. in the case of email import, it may require pointing to some other email box that should be used and other things like that.

While exporting a skill it may be required to export it with the document set that was used for training. If to export it without the set, the next time the skill gets trained, the training model will be re-created based on the existing documents in the set only.
All the updates are handled the same way - export the skill from one tenant, and then import it to the other. Please be careful here: i.e. a user initially develops a skill, trains it on vendors 1, 2, and 3 in tenant A, then exports it and imports it to tenant B. In tenant B, the skill is additionally trained for vendors 4, 5, and 6. The user decides to change some rules or field properties in tenant A. The user makes changes there, exports the new version, and imports it to tenant B. As a result, it will have the training model only for vendors 1, 2, and 3. So to preserve all the changes made in tenant B, first export the skill from tenant B, import to tenant A, make changes, export from tenant A, and import to tenant B.

Additional information

AU Help: Working with Skill Catalog

EU Help: Working with Skill Catalog

US Help: Working with Skill Catalog

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1 comment

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    John Klokkenga

    How do you preserve machine learning in Tenant B when promoting a skill from Tenant A?


    1) Export skill from production to UAT
    2) Make changes and test.
         - Let's assume this takes several weeks because I'm waiting on samples
    3) Import into Production with Test Data



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