Moving pages from one document to another in FineReader PDF


How to move pages from one document to another in FineReader PDF?


PDF Editor

The following scenarios can be used to move pages from one PDF document to another PDF document: 

  • Using the drag-and-drop option:
  1. Open the documents in separate PDF Editor tasks and go to the Organize Pages tab in both of them.
  2. In one document select the required page(s) for transferring.
  3. Hold down the selected page(s) with the left mouse button and drag it to another document, in which the pages should be inserted.
  • By copying pages from one document and pasting them into another:
  1. Open the document from which pages need to be transferred.
  2. Go to the Organize Pages tab, and select the necessary pages.
  3. Right-click on selected pages and click Copy Pages.copy_pages.png
  4. In the separate PDF Editor task, open the document where the pages should be inserted.
  5. Go to the Organize Pages tab and right-click over the part of the document where the pages need to be inserted.
  6. Select Paste Pages.
  • Using the add pages option: 
  1. Open the document from which pages need to be transferred and go to the Organize Pages tab.
  2. Click the Add Pages... button on the toolbar.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Add from PDF/ File.
  4. Select the required document, tick Pages option and select the page numbers for adding:
  5. Click Open

OCR Editor 

  1. Open the documents in separate OCR Editor tasks.
  2. In the PDF document, from which the transferring page is required, select needed page(s).
  3. Drag-and-drop page(s) from one open document to another.
  4. Proceed with processing new pages in the current OCR project.

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