How to load area templates created in FineReader PDF 15 version into FineReader PDF 16 version


How to load area templates created in FineReader PDF 15 version into FineReader PDF 16 version?


Area templates (files *.blk/*.blkx), which were created in FineReader PDF 15 and already saved to some folder on the PC, can be loaded to the FineReader PDF 16 version as follows:

  1. In the FineReader PDF 16 OCR Editor, open a document to apply an area template to.
  2. Click the Area menu > Load Area Template....
  3. In the Open Area Template dialog box, select the desired template file (*.blk/*.blkx).

To be able to use an area template, the documents in the set must be in the same resolution value.

Additional information

For more information about area templates please consult the article: If you are processing a large number of documents with identical layouts.

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