How to use the Online License for FlexiCapture Engine 12?


How to use the Online License for FlexiCapture Engine 12?


Online License is a special license type for FlexiCapture Engine 12. In contrast to the common software license type of FlexiCapture Engine, the Online License is not bound to a particular machine and it does not require license activation.

For automatic connection of the two Licensing Services, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Permanent active internet connection.
  2. Allowed connections to * on port 443.

Online License parameters are contained in a password-protected file (activation token) which is used for authorization when connecting to ABBYY licensing services. When you order an Online License, you will receive the following information:

  1. Customer Project ID - an alphanumeric string used to bind Developer and Runtime licenses of one project, e.g. ‘Im8oCFCbJ4PFhhJYfnhy'.
  2. License token - a binary file containing license parameters, which are used for authorization when connecting to ABBYY Licensing Service. The file is named as follows: ‘SWADXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.ABBYY.ActivationToken', where ' SWADXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' is the license key.
  3. A password to the license activation token file.

The Online License parameters should be passed in order to initialize the engine. A pointer to the object implementing this interface is returned by the GetEngineLoader function. IEngineLoader Interface contains the following properties:

Name Type Description
CustomerProjectId String A string containing the Customer Project ID.
LicensePassword String The online license password. If you do not use an online license, set this property to an empty string "" or NULL.
LicensePath String The path to the online license file. If you do not use an online license, set this property to an empty string "" or NULL.

To initialize the license, you will need to modify the config file of the samples provided by ABBYY or use the corresponding method directly. The samples can be found under the following location: 

C:\ProgramData\ABBYY\SDK\12\FlexiCapture Engine\Samples

 The following Java code shows how the engine can be initialized:

IEngineLoader engineLoader = Engine.GetEngineLoader( SamplesConfig.GetDllPath() );
trace( "Setting parameters to load the engine..." );
engineLoader.setCustomerProjectId( SamplesConfig.GetCustomerProjectId() );
engineLoader.setLicensePath( SamplesConfig.GetLicensePath() );
engineLoader.setLicensePassword( SamplesConfig.GetLicensePassword() );

For detailed description of this function and its parameters, please refer to the Help file of the product.

Additional information

IEngineLoader Interface 

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