Error on trying to add files to the transaction in Postman: Missing content-type boundary


When trying to perform the request to add files to the transaction in Postman, it fails with HTTP 400 Bad Request and the following details:

The passed parameters have an invalid value: "Missing content-type boundary" 


The 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' header from the request configuration is automatically set by the uploader.


Check the Headers tab. If the 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' header is present there, please try disabling/removing it, so that the request will be as follows:

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    Julien Fremeau

    We tried your solution but we still get a 400 error that states "multipart/* content expected" as below.

    Any suggestion to make it work?


        "type": "",

        "title": "The passed parameters have invalid value",

        "status": 400,

        "detail": "multipart/* content expected",

        "severity": "User",

        "invalidParams": {

            "file": [


                    "type": "",

                    "title": "The passed parameters have invalid value",

                    "detail": "multipart/* content expected"




        "vars": {

            "MemberName": "file"




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