FineReader Engine 12 error logged into Event Viewer after service restart


This or a similar error will be logged into event viewer after the OCR service restart 

3rd - Application Error.PNG

5th - Windows Error Reporting.PNG


Known parameters:

Engine pool with an Outproc loaded is used

The timeout before engine kill is set to 5000 

if (_engProcess.WaitForExit(5000) == false)

OCR service is restarted right after processing is finished  



The error happened because FineReader Engine was not able to remove engine instance after processing, however, the time interval specified before the kill command is still in progress, thus restarting the OCR service may log an error related to engine instance inactivity.



Increase or decrease time before the kill command, in order to remove the engine instance, in any case, if the OCR service is restarted after time has passed the error will not be logged. 


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