Error while obtaining the Access Token: Endpoint for request processing not found


When trying to obtain the Access Token for the Public API, the following error occurs:

"type":,"title":"Endpoint for request processing not found.","status":404


The issue may be caused by an incorrect URL specified when trying to generate the Access Token if the user email is present in more than one tenant.


If the email address is present in multiple tenants, the Access Token URL has to be specified in the following format:


Prior to getting the Tenant ID, it is necessary to validate if the email address is indeed present in multiple tenants. For this, open the Vantage Login page, and insert the email address. When the account is present in multiple tenants, the list of the tenants where the email is registered will be shown:

If the list of tenants is shown, it will be necessary to get the Tenant ID. To get the Tenant ID, check the Tenant Administration window by navigating to Configuration > General > Tenant ID.


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