Timeline 6.1 Release Notes


  • Timeline API. The choice of a data source for your projects became much more flexible. It is no longer mandatory to have a specialized connector for uploads from a certain 3rd-party system. Timeline API is the new supported data source offering numerous possibilities for direct data upload from applications or systems of your choice by establishing a direct connection on the API level. It allows you to: ·
    • Upload data through the interaction with Timeline API endpoints.
    • Establish a connection between your system and Timeline for receiving data processed by Timeline back into your system.
    • Integrate Timeline with a 3rd-party application or system to make use of only the required Timeline features within your infrastructure, without the need to interact with the whole program. For example, automatize the upload-related tasks within your system, acting as the data source, or embed a calculated metrics display within your application's interface.

Get familiar with available resources, their endpoints, required parameters, and basic request and response examples in the illustrative form visualized by Swagger UI - API reference.

  • New Dashboards. Dashboard now has a significantly improved user interface and enhanced functionality. Dashboard has undergone visible changes: its display acquired significant flexibility, its use became much more intuitive, and its possibilities are now linked to a larger number of Timeline analysis modules. Dashboard now looks and acts nearly similar to the operational board embedded in the Process view module, but keeps its great value as a separate feature, useful when it comes to assessing the results of performed analysis outside Timeline, or for continuous monitoring of process statuses.

Among the updates:

    • New layout and tools to adjust it. Now you can tailor the dashboard's display to your needs. It is possible not only to move tiles and change their sizes separately, but zoom in and out all added tiles at once. The detached auto-layout button provides a mode that assists you in tile alignment.
    • Diagrams are introduced. These visualization elements allow showing illustrative representations of different Timeline modules on a dashboard, alongside metrics and charts. The following analysis modules are currently supported for dashboard display:
      • Side-by-side comparison. Allows displaying a pre-configured comparison table as a tile.
      • Path preview. Allows displaying a preview of paths in the project as a tile.
    • Now it is possible to add Static content tiles with fully custom textual content. Add important notes directly to your dashboard.
    • The number of tile types available by default is increased. You can now add easy-toconfigure histograms representing a large number of metrics supported by Timeline, without manually creating charts based on them.
    • You can now clone an existing dashboard. You no longer need to create every dashboard configuration from scratch, if you need several common elements in more than one dashboard. Take an already existing one as a template, copy it, and then apply the required changes.
  • Format improvements for Number charts. New formatting options are available for the chart configuration window as separate dialogs, offering detailed font and number format customization. Now you can add some branding to your charts.
  • Attribute duration metric. A new metric type that allows measuring time gaps between attributes of an event. Now it is possible to calculate time spent on smaller and more detailed parts of a process, like when some actual working activity started, how long it continued, and when it stopped within a certain event. When Event duration (former Time interval measurement) metric calculates the time between two different events, Attribute duration gives a much deeper insight into the stages the event itself goes through before it is changed by a succeeding one. Attribute durations also help to define performance issues and their causes hidden inside events. For example, if the wait time for the actual work to start after the event occurrence is unexpectedly long, or if some event attributes are looped and do not allow the process to continue. These measurements can be visualized by a chart, so the conclusions made on these metric assessments are easy to illustrate and share.
  • OpenID Connect authentication. Timeline 6.1 introduces the support of OpenID Connect, a protocol that extends the OAuth 2.0 capabilities with an option to collect some profile data of a user. You can use this technology to implement Single Sign-On in your infrastructure where the Identity Provider is Timeline itself.
  • Email as multi-factor authentication method. Email is added as an alternative channel for multi-factor authentication. The Timeline authentication mechanism becomes more flexible and responsive to the needs of its users. Now SMS is not the only option to prove the user to be logged into an account, you can proceed with the confirmation using emails. It allows you to enclose the whole authentication process within your corporate structure and avoid possible complications related to mobile numbers.
  • Silent installation on Linux. The Linux installer received an unattended mode. Now you can perform a silent installation on Linux by handing a configuration file to the installer script. The configuration file should contain the information that a user is required to provide during a common installation. This allows accelerating installations and updates if multiple target machines are involved and also provides room for automation of the installation process.

Task Mining

  • New Definition editor. Task and Form editors are now combined in the same window - Definition editor. The common workspace makes it easier to switch between form and task editors and allows checking forms and defining tasks simultaneously. As these actions are closely related, joined editors streamline the whole workflow: make all the required changes on different levels and apply them at once to proceed with the analysis.
  • Form-based timelines. It became possible to select which entities should represent timelines in a Task Mining project: forms or controls. This choice allows a higher abstraction level and a much more flexible approach to timeline-building activities. Now you can establish a scale of detailing in your project and look at the analyzed process from a different angle.

Recording Service

  • Recording Service scalability. Log processing is optimized to accelerate screenshot handling and improve the distribution of the available resources. Now you can install separate entities called Agents on additional machines to extend the resources of your main server, where Recording Service is hosted. The processing will be distributed between the main server and these auxiliary agents, which leads to the new benefits:
    • Screenshot-related processing can be accelerated by redistributing queues between agents.
    • The number of standalone recorders handled simultaneously can be increased without losing performance.
    • When the edge of available performance is reached, it is possible to redirect some of the required processing to additional servers, instead of upgrading the main one, which in some cases is more cost-effective.

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