Error returned by Vantage Connector to Automation Anywhere: Code: '403', message : 'Forbidden'


Vantage Connector to Automation Anywhere gives an error when executing the ABBYY Vantage: Use skill action:

Code: '403', message : 'Forbidden'



There can be several reasons:

  1. The user specified in the ABBYY Vantage: Connect action does not have sufficient permissions to use the skill.
  2. Subscription has expired or no page counters left.


  1. The user should have a Tenant Administrator role or at least a Skill User role for the required skill in Vantage > Users > select the user > Roles.
  2. Check the Vantage > Skill Monitor > Subscription page, and if the subscription has expired and/or there are no pages left in the needed Skill Counter, please contact ABBYY Customer Support Team by creating a request in the Help Center.

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