Disabling Windows Explorer integration with FineReader PDF


How to remove Windows Explorer integration with FineReader PDF?


To remove Windows Explorer integration with FineReader PDF during the installation process, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Launch the installation file and select Custom on the Setup Type step. Click the Next button.
  2. Disable the Windows Explorer Integration component in the list:
  3. Click Continue and finish the installation.

To remove Windows Explorer integration with FineReader PDF if the program is already installed:

  1. Navigate to Programs and Features (Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features).
  2. Find the ABBYY FineReader PDF program in the list and click it.
  3. Select the Modify option.
  4. Select the Modify option in the installation window and click Next.

  5. Disable the Windows Explorer Integration component in the list.
  6. Click Install and finish the reinstallation.

Additional information

Integration with Windows Explorer

How to repair the Windows Explorer integration with FineReader PDF


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