Features in FineReader PDF are disabled


When opening FineReader PDF most of the features are grayed out and disabled.


The program is running in PDF Viewer mode.


To enable all functionality of FineReader PDF activate the program as described in the article How to activate FineReader PDF if the activation window does not pop up.

If the serial number for FineReader PDF was not purchased, find more information about the program on our website or contact the Sales Department.

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1 comment

  • Avatar


    Hello, I bought th ABBYY FineReader PDF Standard (yearly plan)
    FSCS-1601-****-****-****-**** (Renewed) on 14.05.2024 but all the features are disabled this week! Last week I used it without problems.

    I followed the instructions above and I tried to activate the Fine reader, but I received a message that the product is already used.

    What do I do now?

    What about sending me again the link?



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