In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to utilize the same Vendor for multiple Business Units (BUs). In such cases, it becomes essential to create training batches for field extraction in order to differentiate field locations for various entities. However, during the process of creating a training batch, users may encounter an error in the Project Setup Station, that prevents them from successfully creating the batch:
A training batch for this variant already exists
By default, VATID, national VATID, or IBAN are used to establish correspondence between the vendor and the training batch. Unless it is explicitly specified in the Document Definition Features that the Vendor is dependent on the Business Unit, it will not be possible to create a training batch for the same variant.
To allow multiple training batches creation using the same variant ID, it is necessary to allow using the Vendor ID or the Vendor ID in conjunction with the Business Unit ID for identification. This can be done by enabling the Prefer variant ID as main identifier in training batch option. This feature prioritizes the variant ID to other bank identifiers (VATID, IBAN) in the training batch when the Vendor depends on the Business Unit.
To enable the feature, the following steps need to be performed:
- Open the Invoice project in the Project Setup Station
- Navigate Project > Document Definitions... > Edit...
- Once Document Definitions is opened, navigate Document Definition > Document Definition Properties... > select Document Definition Settings tab > Additional Fields and Features
- Enable Prefer variant ID as main identifier in training batch feature
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