How to install the License Manager for FineReader PDF to manage licenses on an additional workstation?
If several users will be managing the FineReader PDF licenses, these users must have the License Manager installed on their computers. The additional computer, on which the License Manager will be installed, must be in LAN with the main License Server and have access to it.
To manage licenses on the License Server, a user has to be in one of two local groups on the License Server:
- ABBYY Licensing Administrators
- BUILTIN\Administrators
It is also possible to disable user authorization as described in the article: "You do not have the rights to manage licenses on the license server" message occurs in FineReader PDF License Manager.
To install License Manager on the additional workstation, please follow the steps below:
- Download the Multi-user (installation in LAN) distribution kit for FineReader PDF: Downloads.
- Run the downloaded .exe file. It will be extracted into the temp folder (by default C:\temp\FR16), and after that, the AutoRun starts automatically. Or the AutoRun can be started manually from the folder into which the distribution kit has been extracted.
- In the AutoRun window, choose Mass installation > Install and activate using the License Manager > Step 1. Install the License Server and the License Manager. Click Next and accept the terms.
- Select Install ABBYY FineReader PDF 16 License Manager > Next.
- Enter the FineReader License Server name of the License Server on which the FineReader PDF license has been originally activated. Click Next and Install.
- Go to the C:\Program Files\ABBYY FineReader 16 License Server folder and open the LicenseManager.ini file.
- Specify the name of the License Server (as in step 5) to be accessed by the License Manager. For example, specify:
NetworkServerName=MyComputerName - Important! For the changes to take effect, the ABBYY FineReader PDF Licensing Service must be restarted in the Services.
- Open the License Manager. It will display the activated license on the License Server and their statuses.
If the communication between the License Server and the workstation with the installed FineReader PDF is established not via the Named Pipes but via TCP/IP protocol and another port, the following parameters must be added to the LicenseManager.ini file:
Additional information
If the "You do not have the rights to manage licenses on the license server" error appears in the License Manager on this workstation, please follow the steps from the article: "You do not have the rights to manage licenses on the license server" message occurs in FineReader PDF License Manager.
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