How to use FineReader PDF for Android

To process the document with FineReader PDF for Android follow the steps below: 

  1. Run FineReader PDF for Android;
  2. Press Camera button in the lower right corner of the screen;
  3. Take images using device camera or select images from albums;
  4. When all images are added press Save button;
  5. If necessary, crop or rotate image and select color mode using toolbar. Then press Save button;

To send image-only PDF or JPG file without recognition, do the following:

  1. Press Menu button next to document’s name;
  2. Select Share > Send as or Send via email;
  3. Select formatand quality and press OK;
  4. Select application to complete the action.

To recognize the document, do the following:

  1. Press Recognize button next to document name or select Menu > Recognize;
  2. Select recognition mode:
  • Plain text mode makes on-device text capture without sending document to the server. Text formatting would not be saved. After recognition will be finished, text can be opened using one of the available applications;
  • Preserve original formatting mode creates document on the server and save document’s structure and style;
  1. Select recognition languages and format of resulting file, then press Done;
  2. To open the document, press the icon that appears after the recognition will be finished and select the application.

To send recognized document press Menu > Share > Send as or Send via email and select required format.

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