To start using ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK free trial, just go to and press a big red button "Start free trial now". Then you need to follow the instructions and register your application. After the registration you will receive your password via email. Application ID is the name of your application. The Application ID and Application Password are required by the OCR service for each request for authorization. See the Authentication article for details.
When you create your first application, you automatically get Free Test Set available for this application. This test set consists of 500 A4 pages (or 2500 fields, or 250 business cards). The trial set is valid for 90 days from the registration date. After evaluating the service, if you plan to continue its using, you should purchase as much pages as you need on the Store web-page.
1 comment
anna leah
Hello! I signed up to try out the software, but I can't find the free trial option.
I would love to test these capabilities before I decide to buy anything. It says my cart has a $29.99 option and there is no red "free trial" button.
Thank you for helping me find the free trial.
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