Temporary files creation

How FineReader Engine generates temporary files and how to remove it.

The temporary Engine files are stored either until the related FRDocument is closed, or until the Engine object is deinitialized – this depends on certain processing scenario. In general, all temporary files should be removed after calling FRDocument.Close() and releasing the Engine object.

For FineReader Engine 11 and below:

FREngine creates the ImageDocument objects in memory if the IEngine::CreateImageDocumentsInMemory property is set to TRUE.

You can specify the path to the folder where the temporary image files in the ABBYY FineReader Engine internal format are stored by changing IFRDocument::TempDir (for FRDocument object only) or by the path set in GetEngineObjectEx function at Engine loading. The default path is %TEMP%\ABBYY FineReader Engine 11. Even if the path for temporary files was changed, some files can be written in the default temp folder.

For FineReader Engine 12:

You can specify the path to the folder where the temporary image files in the ABBYY FineReader Engine internal format are stored by changing IFRDocument::TempDir or set in InitializeEngine() Function. The default path is %TEMP%\ABBYY FineReader Engine 12. Even if the path for temporary files was changed, some files can be written in the default temp folder.

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