Saving documents to the SharePoint in ABBYY Recognition Server


How to save documents in the SharePoint library in Recognition Server 4?


Note: In order to be able to communicate with the SharePoint Server, the Server Manager and the Remote Administration Console require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 to be installed.

To be able to save output documents to a SharePoint Server library, the ABBYY Recognition Server Server Manager service must be run under a user account that has read/write access to the SharePoint Server library. If during the installation, you chose to run the service under a Local System account, you should restart it under a user account.

To set up the publishing of documents to a SharePoint Server library:

  1. Run the Remote Administration Console under a user account that has read/write access to the SharePoint Server library.
  2. Create a new workflow or modify an existing one (see Creating a New Workflow). In the Output Format Settings dialogue select Save output file in SharePoint library.
  3. Enter the URL of the SharePoint Server site (e.g. http://myportal/mysite/) and click Connect. The Remote Administration Console will try to connect to the specified site and download the list of document libraries and folders from there. If the connection is successful, you will see the “Connected” message below the button, and the names of the document libraries will appear in the Select document library list.
  4. Select the document library from the list. Click the Settings...button to associate a document's metadata fields with the corresponding columns of the selected document type in SharePoint.
  5. Select the folder in the document library using the Browse...button or leave the field empty to save documents in the root folder.
  6. Click OK in the Output Format Settings dialogue box.

If the Input folder has several subfolders containing image files, the output files will be saved in the corresponding subfolders of the Output folder in the SharePoint Server document library.

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