License page counter set to 0

There are several possible reasons:

  1. The page limit is actually reached. The page counter reduces relatively to A4 page area – if image page area is N times larger than A4 page area, the counter is decreased by N.
  2. The system date has been moved to the following month or further (as a result of some system failure or on purpose). The mechanism of ABBYY product protection works as follows: the user is allowed to recognize some limited number of pages within a period (month or year). When the system date is moved forward to the next period, the counter is reset to the initial value. The possible situations in this case are:
    • The user doesn’t recognize any pages within this incorrect date and moves it back to the correct one. In this case the counter is restored, i.e. it has the same value as before the system date has been changed, and the user can process images.
    • Engine is used to recognize images in the incorrect period and several pages are spent as a result. If the user then moves the date back to the correct one, the counter is reset to 0, and the user is not able to process images until the month (or year, depending on the renewal period) to which the date has been moved.
  3. In FineReader Engine 11 and FlexiCapture Engine 11 versions older than FRE and FCE respectively, the page counter of Hardware licenses activated on Codemeter Wibu dongles could be set to 0 after license update. The counter would be restored to default value in T periods, where T is approximately equal to the number of periods between the first activation and update/re-activation dates. The issue is resolved by installing the latest version of the SDK and updating the license, but the page counter would only be renewed at the beginning of the next period. To request the latest version of the SDK, contact Sales or Technical Support.

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