Failed to run non-developer licenses in developer library


When trying to run a code sample or an application that uses FineReader Engine, the "Failed to run non-developer licenses in developer library" error occurs.


This message occurs when you try to run an application that uses a Runtime license on a computer with the Developer installation of FineReader Engine.

The Protection.Developer.dll* library is installed automatically when the Developer version of FineReader Engine is installed. This library should only be used for development, and it should not be distributed with applications that use a Runtime license (see the Distribution > Distribution Kit articles in Online Help files for the corresponding product for details).

This message is also written into the protection logs. It is especially helpful if the error messages in your application are hidden.


Remove or rename the Protection.Developer.dll* file from the Bin (or Bin64) subdirectory of the FineReader Engine installation folder, or just change its extension. If you ever need to work with the Developer license on the same machine, just put the file back into the Bin (or Bin64) folder or change its extension back to the original one.


*Note: For FineReader Engine 12 for Linux, this library is called

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