Opening an image causes the following error: File is corrupted


Opening an image causes the following error:

File is corrupted


FineReader Engine supports opening images in the following formats:

  • BMP
  • DCX
  • DjVu
  • GIF, LZW-compressed
  • JBIG2
  • JPEG 2000
  • JPEG (JFIF format)
  • PCX
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • TIFF
  • WDP*
  • WIC-compatible*

* FineReader Engine for Windows only

A full list of supported image formats is available here: Supported Image Formats

If the image does not belong to any of the formats listed above, or if it has some misplaced bytes, then FineReader Engine will fail to open that image.


To process an image that causes the File is corrupted error, the following workarounds can be tried:

  • changing the scanner settings and saving the image in one of the supported formats;
  • re-saving the image by another application before processing.

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