How to remove or change the license number for FineReader PDF?
Note: This article corresponds only to a locally installed FineReader PDF program.
To remove a license:
- Go to the menu Help > About > License Info.
- Select the corresponding license and click on the Remove button:
- Activate another license in the same dialog window by clicking on the Activate button.
It is also possible to remove the license file from the folder, but this method is recommended only for system administrators or users with advanced technical experience:
- Delete the license file. It has an extension *.ABBYY.License and located by the following path: C:\ProgramData\ABBYY\FineReader\<version number>\Licenses.
Note: The ProgramData folder can be hidden. To show hidden folders consult the following link: Show hidden files.
- Close the program and restart the ABBYY FineReader Licensing Service:
- Press Windows+R buttons.
- Type services.msc and press Enter.
- Find the ABBYY FineReader Licensing Service in the list of services.
- Right-click the service and select Restart from the shortcut menu.
- Start FineReader PDF.
The Activation Wizard will be opened, and the program will ask to be activated.
Additional information
Is it possible to activate the copy of FineReader with the Support ID?
Petr Musílek
I need to move Abbyy Fine Reader 12 from one computer to another. I tried to follow your instructions in this article, but I still have problems with the new instalation on the new computer. If I try to use the same license code, it still says that this license is used on other computer.
Can you help me, please? Can you somehow release license from the old computer?
Victoria Dvornikova
Hi Petr,
I have created a support ticket and my colleagues will help you with reinstallation issue. Please note, that for a new PC you need a new activation code if you activate product via website or email.
Petr Musílek
Hi Victoria,
thank you very much for creating support ticket and for additional information.
SRG IS Invoices
Unable to deactivate per-seat licenses.
We are unable to deactivate per-seat licenses on old devices to move/transfer their per-seat license onto a new device, we also installed the ABBYY FineReader License Manager to do this via the Internet but the deactivation is not happening.
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