Updating FineReader PDF


How to update FineReader PDF?


Standalone installation (update on a single PC)

All recent products have a built-in update system. To update the product, please follow the steps below:

  1. Start the program.
  2. Go to the Help menu > select Check for Updates


Network installation 

To update FineReader PDF on workstations (installing updates "over" the installed version), follow the steps below:

  1. Download and extract the files from the distribution kit of the corresponding FineReader PDF version (FineReader download links) to the folder, which can be reached from the workstation. 
  2. Install FineReader PDF update on workstations using the latest distribution kit (step 1). One of the supported installation methods (interactive installation, command line installation, using Active Directory or SCCM) can be used. Updating the administrative installation point is not required. 

The administrative installation point should be updated only if the program is going to be installed on new workstations from this installation point. In this case, a new administrative installation point should be created using the latest distribution kit. An update of the already installed copies of FineReader PDF can be done "over" the existing installations.

Uninstalling the previous version of FineReader PDF is not required for installing an update.

Additional information

Information about the installation methods can be found in the System Administrator’s Guide.

End-user license agreement and Privacy Policy.

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    Nicolas Moreau

    The distribution files of FineReader PDF 15 update by the link is not the last update.

    Part # 1380/9, 1381/9, 1382/9, 1395/4
    Release date: 02.06.2020

    (cf. https://support.abbyy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008536920-FineReader-PDF-15-Change-Log)

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hi Nicolas,

    Thank you for your comment!

    I`ve updated the link to the last release of FineReader PDF 15.

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    Leo JIANG

    Please update the link to the latest, thanks!

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hi Leo JIANG,

    I`ve updated the link for the latest release (https://support.abbyy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016309079).

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    Nina Blokhina

    Hi Leo,

    Your link is different from the one from the article.

    You can always find the latest release via this link: https://www.abbyy.com/finereader-downloads/multiple-users/

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    Leo JIANG

    Hi Nina&all,

    This is what I need,thank you very much!

    This productivity tools works very good! Especially on OCR!


    Best Regards

    Leo JIANG

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    John Terdik

    Personally I'd like to see the version number in the download filename. This helps ensure I know what the heck I'm downloading and installing. Example:  ABBYY_FineReader_PDF_15.0.114.4683.exe

    Are the corporate and standard FineReader install files the same?

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hi John,

    Thank you for your suggestion regarding the name of distribution kit file! I have forwarded it to our R&D department.

    We have different distribution kits for Standalone and Multi-user version. I will create a support ticket in order to process your question further.

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    Hi. I've just updated my FT12 to FR15 .

    Should I delete the old installations of FR9 and FR12 now?

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hello bobR,

    Every FineReader version works independently from others, so you can remove old versions from your PC using standard Windows methods. If you purchased FineReader 15 as upgrade then you can use the previous version only on the same PC (cannot install it on another one).

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    Miguel Requena Marco

    En FineReader 16 el Screenshot no funciona bien para español al capturar palabras con acentos.

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    I recently installed FR16 on our workstations and it is prompting that there is an Update available.  If I perform the Update will this stop the workstations from connecting to the License Server or would the License Server be required to have the same update as well to maintain connectivity?

    If so, how do I update the server to keep versioning the same?

    Is there away to remove the "Updates Available" to avoid users from inadvertinently clicking it?


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    Victoria Dvornikova


    You can install the update on workstations only. There is no requirement to keep the License Server updated unless some non-standard issues (that will be described in the Release Notes if there are any).

    You can disable Updates checking option via GPO: https://help.abbyy.com/en-us/finereader/16/admin_guide/gpo_domain/

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    JAMES Bramo

    Good morning,

    I needed to reinstall my Abby fine reader 16 version programm ( as it stops to work properly due to an impromptu drivers lacking !!) , and now need to reactivate it, but if I inserted the previous key it says that the key is just in use, and if I want to indicated it as already present in the PC I’m not able to find where it is located .

    As the programme asks me to indicate its path where it is….( this is simply absurd!...why doesn’t it able to recognize its presence by its own !!)


    So could you tell me the path where the key is normally saved on a PC  ?

    I’m using Windows 11 as OS.


    Bye Giacomo


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