How to export contacts from BCR for iOS to the iPhone contacts list


How to export contacts from BCR for iOS to the iPhone contacts list?


To synchronize the scanned cards with the contacts of the mobile device, please do the following:

  1. Run BCR > go to Settings > tap Saving.
  2. Select CardHolder and Contacts.

After activating the CardHolder and Contacts setting, contacts from all new cards scanned in the app will be automatically added to the device contacts list.

When selecting Always ask in the Saving window, BCR will ask after every card scanning whether to add this particular contact to the device contacts list.

To export contacts from the already existing cards to the iPhone contacts list, it has to be done manually: 

  1. Run BCR > tap the card you want to export to the contacts list.
  2. Tap Share ​ > select Export to Contacts.

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