What will remain in the system after uninstalling ABBYY FlexiCapture 12?
After uninstalling ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 from your computer, the following information will remain:
License Information
In case you are uninstalling FlexiCapture to install a newer version, you don't need to worry about re-entering or re-activating your license. If you didn't make any changes to your system, the license will remain activated and you can continue to use it after you complete the new installation.
FlexiCapture database information
After the re-installation of FlexiCapture Distributed, you don't need to create new users for the database, re-create the database or re-connect to it. You can continue using the same database if needed. If you are installing a newer version of the FlexiCapture, then an update to the database could be needed. After the re-installation, the database connection web page will open, please follow the instructions on the page to update the already connected database.
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