Error in FineReader Engine or FlexiCapture Engine: There are no licenses on %Machine_name%


One of the following errors when running the program that is using ABBYY SDK libraries:
There are no licenses on %Machine_name% 

There are no licenses on


There are no licenses on %Machine_name% error may occur because of the incorrect contents of the LicensingSettings.xml file, which is located in the folders:

  • On the server: %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\ABBYY\SDK\12\Licensing\LicensingSettings.xml
  • On the workstation: <Installation Folder>\Bin64\LicensingSettings.xml

In the Linux version of the FineReader Engine, this file is located in the following places:

  • <Installation Folder>/Bin
  • <Installation Folder>/CommonBin/Licensing
  • /usr/local/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/Licensing

The other reason for this error may be the following - the ProtectionDeveloper.dll file is present in the <Installation Folder>\Bin (or Bin64) folder when you are using a Runtime license.


You can check what content should be in this file in the Working with the LicensingSettings.xml file page of the Developer's Help file. In the case where you are using a Runtime license, you should rename or remove the ProtectionDeveloper.dll file (if it exists).

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