ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 for Windows - Release 4 Update 3
Release Date: 8 September 2020 (public release)
Build Number:
Part Number: 1342/69
Enhanced 'Compare Documents' module: Now with an option allowing comparison of bilingual documents that contain translated text in a separate column
In bi-lingual documents, such as international contracts, the text and its translated version are typically arranged in two parallel columns. To increase the precision of the comparison algorithm, a new option in the ‘Compare Documents’ module of ABBYY FineReader Engine provides the ability to compare each column (and thus each language version) separately.
Enhanced MRZ recognition: New option to set up the allowed length of the MRZ line
The new option specifies the minimum allowed length of the MRZ line. This property can be used to improve the recognition results for the machine-readable zone in cropped or low-quality images where the part of the MRZ line or lines might get lost during the pre-processing step and such not comply with the MRZ specifications (in which case, the missing compliancy would deliver zero as a recognition result).
.NET Core wrapper
To increase the efficiency of development teams using containers for software development or deployment, the ABBYY FineReader Engine now offers a new pre-built .NET wrapper based on .Net Core 3.1.
Updated code sample for command-line interface (CLI)
With this code sample, developers can efficiently utilize the FineReader Engine libraries and integrate document processing capabilities in command-line-based applications.
The CommandLineInterface code sample has been extended with a new set of keys for multi-processing, document analysis, synthesis, export, and opening images.
The CLI code sample is a cross-platform since this release and includes a unified set of keys for the Linux and the Windows environments.
Faster processing of Office documents: New option to open Office files from memory
Two new methods for opening Microsoft Office and Apache OpenOffice files directly from memory allow increasing the speed of the document import step and accelerate the overall document processing speed.
New: Faster iteration of the recognition results in Engine Pool scenario
A new method allows combining the 'OutprocLoader' and the 'InprocLoader' objects in order to obtain the document layout in two steps:
- Using the Engine object outside the main process for processing the document, getting the layout for each page, and writing it to a data stream with the 'SaveToStream' method.
- Using the Engine object in the main process for restoring a 'read-only' copy of the original layout with the 'CreateLayoutFromStream' method with subsequent iteration of this layout copy.
This new method saves time for internal communication and increases the overall processing speed in scenarios, where the FineReader Engine runs outside of the main process.
Enhanced recognition of capital letters
A new ProhibitSmallCaps option was added in the RecognizerParams object to increase the recognition accuracy of letter case and separate detection of capital letters and small caps.
Enhanced recognition: New methods for customizing the recognition area
- Add a new rectangular region, which is represented by an IRegion object, to an existing one
- Cut a rectangular area defined by the borders’ coordinates from an existing region
Enhanced export formats
Several export formats were enhanced:
- A new property that allows to specify the page orientation during the export to the PDF format in dependence on the selected paper size (PageOrientation in PDFExportFeatures)
- A new option that allows setting up the most frequent page orientation used in the document
- In addition, it is now possible to combine PDF/UA and PDF/A-1/2/3-bu standards during the export to the PDF format
- Excel:
- Ability to set up image compression parameters during the export to the Excel format
Ability to automatically increase the page size if the content does not fit on the page
Ability to customize page margins
Ability to specify page margins in twipsin the output file
Support of additional LibreOffice versions
ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 now supports following LibreOffice versions as input format for conversion of digitally created documents:
- 7 (7.0)
- 6 (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4)
Updated Developer's Help documentation
The article about about using ABBYY FineReader Engine in containers was enhanced with a scenario that assumes usage of two separate containers and multi-stage builds.
To improve the installation process of the Online license type, the information about GoDaddy authorization requirements was added.
GetEngine function was deprecated in R2 ⇒ To load the Engine object, please use the InitializeEngine function. It provides the unified Engine loading procedure for all license types (including the Online License).
Customers updating from previous versions of FineReader Engine such as version 9, 10, or 11 as well as upgrading from FineReader Engine 12 Release 1 to Release 2 and higher who use the GetEngine function would receive an error message if they keep using it in later releases. Please update your code and replace the GetEngine with the InitializeEngine function.
License name change: To better reflect its functionality, the license type ‘Cloud License’ was renamed into ‘Online License’ in the R3 for Windows. This license supports deployment in virtual & cloud environments, usage with Docker containers as well as on premise installations.
Nikolai Kromm
If my understanding is correct, you are referring to the GetLicensePassword Method from SamplesConfig. This method is used to pass the LicensePassword argument to the InitializeEngine function.
According to the InitializeEngine Function article:
Nikolai Kromm
Yes, you are correct.
In FineReader Engine 12 Project ID parameter is used in place of Developer License to prevent confusion.
it didn't tell me how to u pdate version 12
Nikolai Kromm
The current version is FineReader Engine for Windows 12 Release 5 Update 1. You can download it via the following link:
To make the update itself, you will need to uninstall the previous version, and install the new one.
InitializeEngine asks license password with a method named "GetLicensePassword" but i do not not what is it. Is there anyone knows something about that?
Thanks Nikolai, that was the answer i needed. One more question, i installed abbyy yesterday. After that, i checked "Scanning Sample" in your Samples folder. At the old versions where used GetEngine(version 10 i think) the product's Developer License also used in codes. But i couldn't see "Developer License" in your current "Scanning Sample" code below. I think i will only use Project ID, am i right?
Thanks for your help Nikolai,
My time is limited for the finish development of my project. If i will have another questions, i will ask under this ticket.
Best wishes!
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