Error message appears when opening a file from SharePoint in PDF Editor of FineReader PDF 15

The following error appears when opening a file from SharePoint in PDF Editor: "Some files have been corrupted. Please Reinstall ABBYY FineReader PDF 15. (SharePoint Connector is not registered)"


There are two possible reasons of such error:

  1. FineReader PDF 15 has been installed from *.msi file. As a result, SharePoint Components were not installed on a PC.
  2. Using the old version of Microsoft .Net Framework (please check if it is version 4.5 or newer according to System Requirements).

In order to resolve the issue, please follow the steps below:

1. Go to Apps & features (select the Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features) and check if SharePoint Components is installed on a PC.

If SharePoint Components is not installed on a PC, please install it using one of the following links:

2a. For OS Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2, please go to Apps & features and check that Microsoft .NET Framework is 4.5 or higher. 

2b. For OS Windows 10, please go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features and click Turn Windows features on or off.

Make sure that .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is turned on: 

In case when .Net Framework 4.5 or newer is not installed or there is no opportunity to turn it on, please download and install it on your PC. 

3. If SharePoint Components and .Net Framework 4.5 and higher are installed on a PC, please repair FineReader PDF 15 (Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > right-click ABBYY FineReader PDF 15 > Repair).

If repair of the program does not help or you face any issues regarding this instruction, please contact ABBYY Support Team with AInfo log file attached. 

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