Cordova plugin: platforms\android\src\com\abbyy\mobile\rtr\cordova\ error: cannot find symbol


When building the project appeared issue-message:

"platforms\android\src\com\abbyy\mobile\rtr\cordova\ error: cannot find symbol
result = MultiCaptureResult.getJsonResult( imageCaptureResult, imageCaptureSettings, cordova.getContext() );
symbol: method getContext()
location: variable cordova of type CordovaInterface"


This issue might be caused by the incorrect version of the plugin. 


Please change the package.json:

"cordova-plugin-ionic": "5.3.0",

  1. Remove plugin:
    cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-ionic

  2. Add older version:
    cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-ionic@5.3.0

  3. The following error might occur:
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic@5.3.0
    Variable(s) missing (use: --variable APP_ID=value --variable CHANNEL_NAME=value).

  4. To fix remove platform android and add again.
    cordova platform rm android; cordova platform add android@6.4

After the modifications are done, you can build the project:
cordova build android

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