How to work with images in FineReader Engine 12 (technical webinar for developers)


How to work with images in FineReader Engine 12?


Image pre-processing is a crucial step in the OCR and document conversion process. Learn about the different tools and parameters you can use to reach optimal recognition results. 

Submit the form by the following link to request a video of the webinar. 

Learn about the important role of image pre-processing in the OCR process. Receive an overview of the different tools and parameters FineReader Engine offers to reach optimal recognition results - even on images with very low quality.

Learn how to:

  • Improve OCR results with image pre-processing
  • Create test applications with a provided code sample
  • Quickly adjust different settings for optimal results

 This technical webinar contains live demos for developers who look for a fast way to start working with the SDK. To test the product, please download your free evaluation license here.

You missed one of the other sessions of the series? Watch now:

Have more questions? Submit a request


1 comment

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    Kris Leffers

    The Links for the recordings aren't working.. They're just opening this Site again. Could you please fix this?


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