ABBYY Customer Support Handbook: editing Help Center profile and changing password

This three-part guide provides an overview of how to work with ABBYY Help Center:

Part 1 - Registering and submitting a support request
Part 2 - Editing Help Center profile and changing password
Part 3 - Updating and closing a support request

Topics covered in this article:

Editing profile information
Changing a password
Resetting a password

Editing profile information

To edit profile information:

  1. Log in to the Help Center, click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any Help Center page, and then click My profile:
  2. Click Edit profile:
  3. You can update any of these fields:
    • Name
    • Profile photo
    • Email 
    • Phone
    • Description

    Changing a password

    To change a password:

    1. Log in to the Help Center, click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any Help Center page and select Change password:
    2. Type in your current password and new password and click Save:mceclip2.png

    Resetting a password

    If you've forgotten your password you can set a new one:

    1. Go to Help Center.
    2. Click on the Sign In > Forgot my password:mceclip3.png
    3. Enter the email address you've specified during the registration.
      An email will be sent to your email address. Open that email in your mailbox and follow the link to set a new password:mceclip4.png

    Have more questions? Submit a request



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