Task statuses

The task can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description
 Submitted The task has been registered in the system, but has not yet been passed for processing.
 Queued The task has been placed in the processing queue and is waiting to be processed.
 InProgress The task is being processed.
 Completed The task has been processed successfully. For a task with this status, the URL for downloading the result of processing is available in the response.
 ProcessingFailed The task has not been processed because an error occurred. You can find the description of the error in the XML response.
Note: We do not recommend sending the same file for processing repeatedly, if the first task failed. However, if you have created several tasks for the same file, and all of them have failed, the fullest and most specific error description can be received by calling getTaskStatus for the first of those tasks.
 Deleted The task has been deleted. This status can be returned only for the deleteTask method.
 NotEnoughCredits You do not have enough money on your account to process the task.

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