listTasks Method

The method returns the list of tasks created by your application. By default, the Deleted tasks are included, but you can filter them out. This method may be useful if you need to compile an application usage log for some period of time.

Customize the following request URL according to your application processing location:


The tasks are ordered by the date of the last action with the task. This method can list up to 1000 tasks. If you process a large number of tasks, call this method for shorter time periods.


Parameter Is required Default value Description
fromDate No The current date minus 7 days Specifies the date to list tasks from. The date must be specified in the W3C XML DateTime data type (for example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ).
toDate No The current date Specifies the date to list tasks to. The date must be specified in the W3C XML DateTime data type (for example, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ).
excludeDeleted No "false"

Specifies if the tasks that have already been deleted must be excluded from the listing. The parameter can have one of the following values:

  • true
  • false

Status codes

General status codes of the method are described in HTTP Status Codes and Response Formats.

Response format

The result is returned as a JSON response. The JSON response has the following format:


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