Serial number authentication

The API described in this section is for testing purposes only. Its parameters, functionality and availability are not guaranteed in future.

Serial Numbers are useful when developer needs to isolate its customers’ counters from each other within one Application ID and limit the usage for each counter.

In this case several instances of an application under one Application ID with separate page counters are created. Each application with separate Serial Number has its own task list and has no access to the task list of another application with another serial number under the same Application ID.

In order to use serial numbers in your application, pass an “<ApplicationId>#<SerialNumber>” string instead of Application Id in the authorization header field of each request. Application Password is the same for all serial numbers of one Application ID.

C# sample

// Create a Web request using location-based URL and 
// setup it with the Application ID, Serial Number, and Application Password.
// Use the correct values instead of <PROCESSING_LOCATION_ID>, <ApplicationID>, <SerialNumber>, <ApplicationPassword>
static void runMain()
    String serverUrl =
    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create( serverUrl );
    setupRequest( serverUrl, request );
static void setupRequest( string serverUrl, WebRequest request )
    CredentialCache cache = new CredentialCache();
    cache.Add( new Uri( serverUrl ), "Digest",
        new NetworkCredential( "<ApplicationID>#<SerialNumber>", "<ApplicationPassword>" ) );
    request.Credentials = cache;
    request.Timeout = 300 * 1000;
    // The Application ID, Serial Number, and Application Password are base64 encoded.
    request.Headers.Add( "Authorization", 
        "Basic: " + encodeUserPass( "<ApplicationID>#<SerialNumber>", "<ApplicationPassword>" ) );

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