How to automatically upload documents from FineReader PDF for iOS to Google Drive


How to automatically upload documents scanned in FineReader PDF for iOS to Google Drive?


In order to automatically send the documents from the application to a Google Drive folder, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Open the FineReader PDF application.
  2. Go to Menu > Cloud storages.
  3. Select Automatically upload to > Google Drive (FineReader)
  4. Sign in to the Google Account and allow FineReader PDF to access the account.
  5. Select the format, in which the documents will be uploaded.
  6. Scan a new document in the application and save it. 
    Newly scanned documents will be automatically uploaded to the FineReader folder in Google Drive. 

Note: FineReader PDF should have permission to access folders in Google Drive. FineReader PDF has to check the existing folders in Google Drive in order not to create a duplicate folder for the FineReader PDF application but to save documents to the existing one. 

Additional information

To import documents to the FineReader PDF application from Google Drive, please follow the steps: 

  1. Open the Google Drive application on the mobile device.
  2. Select a document.
  3. Tap the three dots icon > Open in > select FineReader.
  4. A document will be displayed in the FineReader PDF list of the scanned documents.

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    Horacio López Mille

    Hi, where in my GDrive can I find the automatically synced files scanned from my android app? Thanks!

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hello Horacio López Mille,

    The folder where FineReader PDF mobile app uploads all files is called FineReader. I will correct its name in the article, sorry for the inconvenience.


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