Moving pages from one document to another in FineReader PDF 15


How to move pages between documents in FineReader PDF 15?


PDF Editor

To move pages from one PDF document to another PDF document, please follow the next steps:

  1. Open the document where inserting pages is needed.
  2. Go to Edit > Add pages > Add from PDF/ File.
  3. Select the document.
  4. Tick Pages and select the page numbers for adding:mceclip0.png
  5. Select the Add option.
  6. Click Open.

OCR Editor

It is possible to move pages between documents as follows:

  1. Open the PDF documents in separate OCR Editor tasks.
  2. In the PDF document, from which the transferring page is required, select a page (or select multiple pages with Alt or Ctrl).
  3. Drag-and-drop page(s) from one open document to another.
  4. Proceed with processing new pages in the required OCR project.

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