"This serial number cannot be used for ABBYY FineReader PDF" error during activation


When trying to activate the program with the serial number of a license, the error message appears:

This serial number cannot be used for ABBYY FineReader PDF <version>. Please check the serial number and try again.


The error message can appear when trying to activate a different version of the program, not the one the license is for.


To resolve the issue, please follow the steps below:

  1. Check the serial number to use.
    The serial number of the license can be used for activating only the corresponding version of the program.
  2. Install the corresponding version of ABBYY software: FineReader download links.
    Make sure that the used license corresponds to the version of the program to be activated. 

If the issue has not been resolved, please submit a request.

Have more questions? Submit a request



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    Don Davis

    This solution does not work.  I cannot use my license number. I need to know if I have the incorrect number. The PO number is X05032320101; order number 00083382; license number: FCCS-1501-007-2092-3604-5828; purchased for Louisiana Sea Grant College Program at Louisiana State University.

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    Don Davis

    How do I resove this issue?


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