Error when running FineReader Engine 12 - Unknown COM error: 80004005


In the multithreading Java application, the exceptions appear on Engine initialization sporadically:

Unknown error. Error code: 0x62 Diagnostic Message: Tcp endpoint error.
com.abbyy.Outproc.FREngine.EngineException: Unknown COM error: 80004005, 80070024


The reason is that the protection service doesn't have enough time to distribute "permission to use Engine" to several threads simultaneously.


There are 2 workarounds here so far:

1. Set several initialization attempts, as it's done in the original Multithreading sample.

// Multithreading (Java) sample

// Load ABBYY FineReader Engine
final int triesToInit = 3;
boolean engineIsLoaded = false;
for( int i = 0; i < triesToInit && !engineIsLoaded; ++i ) {
    if( i != 0 ) {
        displayMessage( "An error occurred while initializing; retrying..." );

    try {
        engineIsLoaded = loadEngine();
    } catch( Exception ex ) {
        displayException( ex );


2. Set a short pause (1-2 seconds may be enough) between thread starts.

// Multithreading (Java) sample

for( final String imageName : imagesNames ) {
  Runnable runnable = new ThreadJob( ++jobIndex, imageName );
  Thread thread = new Thread( runnable );

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