Error when opening a FlexiLayout project: An attempt was made to access a location beyond the end


The error An attempt was made to access a location beyond the end <file path> is shown when opening the FlexiLayout project.


There are 3 possible reasons for the issue:

  1. The classifier was created in the newer version of the FlexLayout Studio.
  2. Not enough RAM
  3. The project is corrupt


If the project was created in the newer version you should update your FlexiLayout Studios to the same version as the project.
To check your build number: open your version of the software, go to Help > About.
Make sure that Classifier's version is the same as the FlexiCapture project you need to upload.

As a second option please increase RAM

If versions of the FlexiLayout Studios are the same, it means the project might be corrupted, so the project should be recreated or restored from the backup.

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