How to define single font for the document in FineReader PDF


How to define a single font for the whole document? After recognition, FineReader PDF has assigned correspondent fonts for the recognized text. The text needs to be displayed in a single font.


To set a single font that will be used when saving the recognized text of the document, please proceed as follows: 

  1. In FineReader PDF 16: go to the File menu > Options... OCR tab > Select Fonts...
    In FineReader PDF 15: go to the Tools menu> Options... OCR tab > Select Fonts...
  2. Click the Clear All option, select the font to be used when saving recognized text and click OK:
  3. ​Choose Open in OCR Editor and select the document.
  4. The recognized document will be displayed in the Text pane with the set font (e.g. Arial).

    Note:  The font is applied specifically to the recognized text, not the file image.

  5. Save the document in the desired format.

To restore the default fonts for the new documents, in the Select Fonts... window, please click the Default Fonts button and OK

In the OCR Editor it is also possible to edit the document styles and set the desired font for all the detected styles:

More information about editing the document styles is available in the following article of the User's Guide: Using styles

Additional information

If the Text under the picture mode is selected in the PDF settings, the changed text will appear below the picture while the display of the document remains the same. To display the desired font for the recognized document, another saving mode should be selected. For more information regarding saving modes, please consult the following User's Guide article: Saving OCR results

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1 comment

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    Fram Lorbin

    After doing:

    • Changing the Font in the OCR Editor process > File menu > Save as > Searchable PDF

    The PDF is still saved with the original font.

    How to Save the document with the new selected font (Arial) ?
    I need a new PDF document with the new font.

    The original PDF's font (New Times Roman) is not desired for the use case, on screen display and presentation.

    Thank you for your support.


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