Recognizing vertically oriented text in FineReader PDF for Mac


Is it possible to recognize and copy/ paste vertical text?


You can recognize, copy, and paste vertical text in ABBYY FineReader PDF for Mac, following the steps below: 

  1. Open a file in the program (open FineReader > click on Advanced conversion > Import New Images to New OCR Project > select the needed file). 
  2.  Make sure that the correct recognition language is selected, e.g

    Wait until the text is recognized (if you enabled the option Recognize newly added pages automatically) or click on the Recognize button.
  3. The vertical text will not be recognized correctly at first. It can be seen when the text is copied and pasted.
    Delete the incorrectly detected areas by right-clicking on an area > Delete Area.
  4. Draw a new Text Area (​):
    right-click on the area > Text Orientation > Rotated Left (or Rotated Right, depending on the text orientation):

>click on the Recognize button.

​After recognition, you will be able to copy vertical text (right-click on the area and select Copy Recognized Text.

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