Can the FlexiCapture Database be updated manually


After updating the FlexiCapture, there is a prompt to update the FlexiCapture Database on the Administration and Monitoring Console > Settings > Application Server page. Can this update be performed manually in case the automatic update using the web interface of the Administration and Monitoring Console fails?


Yes, to update the FlexiCapture Database manually, follow these steps:

  1. Backup the FlexiCapture Database and FileStorage before updating the Database manually in case of any mistakes.
  2. Check the current and required Database versions on the Administration and Monitoring Console > Settings > Application Server page.
  3. Find the required *.sql files in the IIS folder on the computer where the Application Server is installed. Default path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12\Server.
  4. Find the file named like this: Upgrade<Current_DB_Version>to<Required_DB_Version>.sql. It is possible that the update could include multiple steps. In this case, execute the *.sql files in order.
  5. Connect to the FlexiCapture Database and execute the required *.sql files.

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