Adding a watermark based on an image in FineReader PDF 15 


How can I add a watermark into a PDF document based on an image or a logo? 


Up to date, you can create a watermark from text using the function Watermark Add Watermark in the PDF-Editor. Detailed information can be found in the article: Adding watermarks

To create a watermark from an image, please proceed as follows:

  1. Open your PDF document in FineReader PDF 15;
  2. Go to File menu > select Print;
  3. Select PDF-XChange 5.0 for ABBYY FineReader 15 as a printer and click the Printer Settings... button;
  4. Go to the Watermarks section, activate the Enable printing watermark option;
  5. Click the New button to create a new watermark;
  6. Select the type Image Watermark and specify the image location > set the necessary settings in the Image Properties > OK;
  7. Make sure the created watermark is selected in the Watermark ListOK;
  8. Click the Print button to print the PDF document with a watermark with the virtual printer > save the document.

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