Why the exported HTML-file doesn't save indents while importing from PDF?


Why the exported HTML-file doesn't save indents while importing from PDF?


HTML doesn't have tags responsible for indents.

Usually in the website/HTML document structure CSS and XML are responsible for this.

Thus, this behavior is expectable for HTML documents.

  1. If you were successful in export indent values in an XML file, for example, you have two ways:
    Attach .XML file with HTML via specific tag:
    <XML ID="dsoBook" SRC="Book.xml"></XML>
    You can also seek the support of an article dedicated to this topic.
  2. Visualisation of an XML file. Usually, it happens by connecting with the conversion table. You should create a file with the .xslt extension and connect it to XML then by:
    <?xml version=«1.0» encoding=«utf-8»?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type=«text/xsl» href=«style.xslt»?>
    You can develop your own conversion table or borrow it from corresponding topics.


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