Is it possible to create a variable footer in FlexiLayout Studio?
The following components should be created in the footer section of the layout:
- csPageOf: A character string field using the regular expression N{1-}"of"N{1-}.
- stOf: A static text field looking for “of” in the region defined by csPageOf.
- csPageTotal: A character string field (alphabet 0123456789) to the right of (and closest to) stOf, using csPageOf to define the search area.
- csPageCount: A character string field (alphabet 0123456789) to the left of (and closest to) stOf, using csPageOf to define the search area.
csPageCount is the required field. To make sure this is the last page of the document, the following code is added to the Advanced post-search relations :
if not IsNull and (not csPageTotal.IsNull) then
string PageTotal;
PageTotal = csPageTotal.Value;
string PageCount;
PageCount = value;
if PageCount != PageTotal then Quality: 0;
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