The Project on server is picking the Invoice from hot folder and recognizing it but it fails to export it to SQL database


The Project is uploaded on the server  and it is picking the Invoice(input pdf ) from the hot folder and recognizing it successfully but it fails to export it to SQL database and displays the below error:



Error Message: Could not export to ‘Export PO Invoice to SQL Database’ because [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

NoteTest Connection is successful in the above case.

When trying feeding credentials at Log On As settings under services, the same error appears while exporting.

Also, Manually (by loading image manually, recognize, right Click and Export), the data is getting exported.


Service "Processing station" running under the account without permissions.

Or the wrong ODBC driver.


Please try to start the service "Processing station" under the account that launching the Project Setup Station when manual export is working.
Also, you can try to change the ODBC driver in the connection string to "SQL OLE DB".

More information about it here:

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