Creating a document of a specific page size in FineReader PDF 15


How to create an empty PDF with the large page size A0 (33.1 X 46.8 in) for its further editing? As the empty page added in the PDF Editor is of the A4 page size. How to create a page of different size?


To create a blank page with the specific size (e.g. A0, A1...) in the program, please follow the steps:

  1. Start FineReader PDF 15> go to the File menu at the top> select New PDF Document.
    A blank page will be added to the PDF Editor.
  2. Go to the File menu > select Print;
  3. In the Printer drop-down list, select the PDF-XChange 5.0 for ABBYY FineReader 15 virtual printer;
  4. In the Size drop-down list, select the desired size, e.g. A0;
  5. Select the Orientation of the document;mceclip0.png
  6. Click the Print button > save the document. 
    A document with a page size of A0 (33.1 X 46.8 in) will be created. You can continue working on the document. 

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