New features:
ABBYY Timeline
- Alerts Webhooks can contain attributes from timelines.
- Customer notifications.
- Provide status information with admin app.
- More detailed status information is displayed on the status page.
- X-axis custom sorting on charts, only for histogram mode.
- Multiple uploads into the same ETL table.
- Recalculate sets button on set list modal allows to recalculated all the sets at the same time.
- Improved business duration calculations for projects without time zones.
- Remove support for ABBYY Timeline 1.2 and earlier.
ABBYY Recorder 2.0
- Improved the meaningfulness of events the ABBYY Recorder produces.
Events in ABBYY Recorder 2.0 are formulated as interactions with UI elements.
Sequence of "low level" events, that represent for example interactions with a combo box, in the new approach will be just one event. The previous Recorder did not record most interceptions with buttons and menus if they were produced by keyboard.
ABBYY Recorder 2.0 records such kind of events. The events do not depend on how they were produced: by keyboard or by mouse. - Added Recorder extension for Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers.
- Events produced by browser plug-ins are more elaborate and meaningful because plug-ins have access to DOM (Document Object Model).
- All three plug-ins (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge) share the same code.
- LightLogViewer standalone installation support for a tool to allow viewing of recorder logs without the need to install the Recording Service.
Supports the ability to view what is recorded without installing ABBYY Recording Service.
- Changed logic for recording sessions.
If you stop recording a session and then resume it without changing the template, then the log will be written to the same session (it used to be in a new session). - Custom minimum value for interval in alerts.
Administrator can change the minimum time interval for alerts. This feature depends on your license.
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