How to train documents using Cloud REST API 


How to train documents using Cloud REST API 


1. Configure the project as per ABBYY Online Help Guide:

Upload the project to the server using cloud tenant, create an application in ABBYY FlexiCapture Cloud:


2. Now you are able to upload the documents using the API Description page:


3. After uploading the Capture Task should be launched. Insert the file id and token received from the upload response:


4. Now you can Get captured data layout using the file id from the upload response and task id from the capture task response:


5. In the response you will receive the list of pages and fields in the document. Then you should ​enter the needed values to the training request:

  • task id and file id from the previous responses
  • name of the field
  • page id
  • required coordinates


204 - Ok status means that the request was successfully sent. The task process could be tracked either in the project or in event logs.

As the result, the trained document should be added to the training batch of the project. Please note that to obtain the training results for the next recognitions, several samples should be trained.

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